Friday, July 24

Pixy Actions & Presets

My new action and preset group.
Join to get freebies and ofc buy some of my actions :D

Old Film Remix

Wednesday, July 15


I'm looking for models! I recently did a shoot with my friend in the forest was lovely. here are the final images.
Please click to view larger!

and some extras:

Tuesday, July 14

walk about

retro mornings, originally uploaded by PIXY ▲.

images from vancouver

Sunday, April 12

Art final

So my a level conclusion piece has to be finished within 2 weeks and I've had major problems. My theme was Time and Change, so i was going to do paintings of Victorian dolls on log slabs. Except the first batch of three i got about 1 month ago started cracking after 1/5weeks of drying and so i had to render them useless. I went out and bought another three from the same place which were "seasoned", which basically means they have been drying for more than 6months and should be pretty much ready to cut and use. Except because the house gets so hot and the logs have been used to cold temperatures the wood started shrinking and the bark broke of the wood (my luck is pretty poor).
SOO basically I've been pretty much so stressed about the whole thing. But i just went and got laser cut wood which should look nice once finished.

Here's a picture of the wood splits, as you can see they are pretty huge :S

Anyways this is the 2nd part of my coursework, i decided to do surrealism in portraiture, it's looking good so far I still have a long way to go:

Mixed Media, 30"x30"

Monday, March 16

Photoshop Action

I have decided to release one of my photoshop actions, i use these colour techniques on all my work.
They are 15USD to Purchase :)

Thursday, February 26


sparkle drops

a lack of colour

two photos, please click to view.

Saturday, February 21

i only just realised her hands are slightly deformed.